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Westslope Cutthroat Trout are native in tributaries to the Columbia River Basin from central and northern Idaho northward deep into British Columbia. They are widely distributed in the Salmon, Clearwater, Coeur d'Alene and Clark Fork river systems, and have been introduced into many alpine lakes across the state.
Image courtesy of Tom Weadick & Idaho Fish & Game
Publishers Note:
As OUR COUNTRY REOPENS AGAIN (from the COVID-19 pandemic) and continue to enjoy outdoor activities, ALL outdoorsmen (man, woman, child) should follow the guidelines set by These guidelines include; social distancing, the Leave No Trace principles, including pack-in and pack-out, to keep outdoor spaces safe and healthy.
Idaho Angler Lands New Catch-and-Release Record Cutthroat Trout
Submitted by: TBC Press
Posted on: 06/29/20
Congratulations to Tom Weadick of Coeur d'Alene on a landing a new catch-and-release state record Westslope cutthroat trout. Weadick caught the 21-inch cutthroat while flyfishing the North Fork Coeur d'Alene River on June 19. Hoping to catch a large trout, Tom came prepared with a tape measure and camera and captured the moment to document the catch.
The previous record of 19.5 inches held by Dwaine Hasenoehrl has stood since 2016, when the catch/release record program first started. As an avid angler, Weadick previously held a similar record for bull trout - a less common native char often found in the same rivers as Westslope cutthroat trout.
Fish and Game recognizes catch/release state records for four different sub-species of cutthroat found in Idaho including: Bonneville, Westslope, Yellowstone (Idaho's three native cutthroat) and introduced Lahontan cutthroat.